About Carla Hannaford
Carla Hannaford, Ph.D., biologist, author, educator with more than forty years teaching experience, including two years teaching high school, twenty plus years as a professor of biology, four years as a counselor for elementary and intermediate school children with learning difficulties and over twenty years as an international consultant to more than fifty countries, doing workshops and keynote presentations.
She was selected as a guest educator with the AHP- Soviet Project in 1988, has been recognized by Who's Who in American Education, has received awards from the University of Hawaii and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, has in-serviced schools throughout the U.S. and in 2006 was a distinguished lecturer for the National Association for Elementary School Principals.
Besides school districts, school administrators, and teachers, Carla has worked extensively with musicians, artists, health care professionals, social service agencies, atheletes, artists, spiritual organizations and parents. She has keynoted for many conferences worldwide, and been quoted in well over 1,000 books and journal articles on the importance of movement, and music for brain development, life-long learning and health.
She is the author of: SMART MOVES, Why Learning is Not All in Your Head, revised (with forward by Candace Pert) ipublished in 2005, THE DOMINANCE FACTOR, How Knowing Your Dominant Ear, Eye, Brain, Hand & Foot Can Improve Your Learning, revised in 2011, AWAKENING THE CHILD HEART, Handbook for Global Parenting, published in 2002 (currently out of print), and PLAYING IN THE UNIFIED FIELD, Raising and Becoming Conscious, Creative Human Beings, (with forward by Dr. William Tiller) published in 2010. She is also the author and co-producer of the DVD EDUCATION IN MOTION and presenter with Candace Pert and Susan Kovalik in the video: EMOTIONS; GATEWAY TO LEARNING.
She is a mother, grandmother, and an accomplished musician living with her musician husband, Ahti Mohala in Kalispell, Montana.